About HUUC

The Heartland Unitarian Universalist Church was founded in 2008 by a small group of caring and passionate individuals.
In hopes of fulfilling the need for a spiritual and secular community where people can come together in community and reach out to share their gift and passions with the world around them.
We are dedicated to promoting the ongoing search for truth and to affirming the inherent worth of the individual.
If you're searching for a religious home where people honor each other's different beliefs, faiths, or secular views, we hope you will find a home with us.
We are a loving, open-minded religious community that encourages you to seek your own spiritual path, wherever it leads. Join us on Sunday and discover Unitarian Universalism at HUUC.
Copyright Unitarian Universalist Association

7 Principles of Unitarian Universalism
The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person
Justice, Equity, and Compassion in Human Relations
Acceptance of One Another and Encouragement to Spiritual Growth in Our Congregations
A Free and Responsible Search for Truth and Meaning
The Right of Conscience and the Use of the Democratic Process Within Our Congregations and in Society at Large
The Goal of World Community with Peace, Liberty, and Justice for All
Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence of Which We Are a Part

HUUC Covenant
In the Heartland covenant, we promise to:
embrace our rich diversity, recognizing the wisdom and experience of each person,
support each other's quest for truth and meaning drawn from many sources, such as the spiritual, the humanistic, and the divine,
enrich the life of the church,
and work for peace and justice in the world.

HUUC Mission
Our mission is to:
1. Gather
To have a place for members and friends to gather in community
2. Grow
To help each other grow in mind, body, and spirit
3. Share
To share our gifts and blessings with the world