HUUC Board Members
Contact form
HUUC Committees
Click below to contact any of the following committees:
Heartland Board: email reaches Susan Chavez, Jennifer Mills,
Paul Kennedy and Steve Simon
Finance Committee: email reaches Jennifer Mills, Treasurer
Religious Exploration Committee: email reaches Eric Tibesar, RE Chair
Worship Committee: email reaches Kris Barksdale, Len Mozzi and other worship committee members
Facilities and Grounds Committee: email reaches Tony Chavez
Heartland Music: email reaches music chair
Membership Committee: email reaches membership committee members
Chair: Susan Chavez
Vice Chair: Amy Tibesar
Treasurer: Dan Penry
Secretary: Lana Bandoim
Member-at-Large: Don Campbell
Address and Directions
Location Address:
9870 North Michigan Road
Carmel, IN 46032
From I-465,
- Take I-465 N to exit 27 and turn North on Michigan Rd
Make a U-turn at Northwestern Dr
Turn right into parking lot next to Enterprise and State Farm.
Drive behind the Enterprise until you see our yellow building with purple accents.
Park anyway near our building.
Walk under the pergola and enter the side door.