Visit on Sunday
Sundays Services start at 10:30am (or 10:35am) and last about 1 hour
Click on the calendar for topics and additional info
Nursery care available for children 0 - 5 years
10:15am - 12pm
Religious Exploration (RE) is held from about 10:45am until the adult service ends (or shortly after)
K - 12 youth start the service with adults and are invited to RE after the "Story for All Ages"
Feel free to come early to meet the RE teachers
RE volunteers are welcome to assist the main teacher
More About Sundays
Because of the variety of our services, we encourage you to come to two or three services to get a true sense of Heartland.
Heartland is lay-led. Each month on rotating Sundays, we offer four different types of services including:
Guest Speakers,
Heartland Member Services,
"Best of" UU Services
A Heartland worship associates presents a sermons that was authored by ministers or lay persons outside of Heartland (with credit given)
Service Services
A service project is done on a Sunday instead of a traditional service
Service technically starts at 10:30am, but often starts at 10:35 or so. Services are typically about 45 minutes to an hour long. Afterward, everyone is invited for coffee and conversation. There is usually a great spread of snacks!
The first time you visit, our building might be hard to find. See address page for directions.
Tips for Visitors
Come as you are.
You don't to dress up, unless you like an excuse to do so! In addition to how you dress, we welcome you whatever your religious background, gender identity, skin color, age, hair color, etc. You are welcome here.
Once you've come to a couple Sunday services, get involved with some of our Social Action Projects.
If you like our church, but see an area for improvement, jump in and help out! We like hearing new ideas and like it even more when people take initiative on projects they are passionate about!